Form the novel “whale rider” I learned that is book is a basic book about the movement of the women right which happened in New zealand. If this book would be performed I assumed that I will focus on the culture and the religion that they have in the island, which is the background of the story. Although this book told us a good story and how did a common girl fight for her own right, but after I read this book I still feel like the characters are not very clear about their personalities. But the characters was important such as the Papa Apirana, Kahu, Nanny Flowers, and the Bull Whales. They are the basic of the entire story, pap Apirana was the leader of the nation who is the sample of the right of man, he was powerful but obstinate, he still refuse his granddaughter lead the nation or have connection with the whales. Nanny flowers was the sample of the female in the nation who was old and wise but do not have the right as a male, although she was more respect then others in the nation, her gender still became the problem which stop her from influence the entire nation.
For costuming the characters all those cloth should both have the sign of morden and also shows the tradition of their nation, and as the leaders family they should have tatto on their body, Kahu as the girl who fight for her own right I will put her in the most tradition cloth to show that she is the inheritor of her grandfather, but other characters such as Uncle Rawiri should dress like an morden people who was cool and well effect by the western culture. Papa Apirana should be a old man who have a large shirt on, he looks old but that should not make him looks weak, he should be an powerful and imperatorial old man who lead the entire nation.The point that was to make a difference between them and the other living outside but this different should not be the difference between civilized and primeval.
For staging of the play, I would have a small house in the center and all the in door play was in the house, and there should be beach out side of the stage around the house.
The hard part of this play was the magical realism and how to show the unequal between man and woman on the island, this part mostly appear on the conversation between people, but how did the actors act was also important. The magical realism was hard because the stage was limit and how should people know there was a whale or other things, mostly I would use the background music and sound effect to shows the state of those whales and the people.
This may be help to shows the magical realism and the society condition on that island, which is hard to follow the book, and bring together the entire story.