For my final proposal i wish to do the “empty house” form the novel wrote by Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle <Sherlock Holmes>.
I choose this book because this book was the first western novel I ever read as a child in china, although now this book seem like popular then 10 years ago but I still wish to rebuild this scene form my childhood memory although that may incomplete or got confused in few details. Form this book I first learned about the whodunit so I wish to do this book for my final project.
The Sherlock Holmes contain many story of how did Sherlock Holmes shove many cases during his life in England, but nether him or Dr. John Hamish Watson I like the most although they are both active brave and wise, just like the hero for every child, but I liked Inspector G. Lestrade more then those two main characters because although this decive was old and not as wise as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, but he would show up every time when the main character needed and this made him as the hero who will finally send the guity to the Justice.
Empty house was the scene happened after Sherlock Holmes confirm dead in scene “The Adventure of the Final Problem” I choose this part of the book because this part was a new start for the book in some way, and this scene did not require many people act, only four of them and the body is enough, and people can act more then two characters in the same time so we may just need three people in the act because there one three of then show up in the same time. The empty house was about to solve a case which one man was murdered in his home with out make any sounds or let any one notice, the bullet shot though the window and killed that man with out making any sound, and this is also the scene when Sherlock Holmes came back form the “death”
After he has been travel for few years and came back to england. The stage would be setting like 19 century in English as best as we could do and this may requires all the characters use british english while they speak to show the audience that they were live in British. I wishInspector G. Lestrade have the Scottish accent but even I do not now what did that sound like.
This scene did not require much light effect and the sound effect also, so this can set just the bone chiller and have the same rain effect form that, also the other thing that require is two time of the stage change which can be just simple change the setting of the stage will show the audience that was two different place. So this was the basic setting for the finial project that I wish to accomplished in the end of
the year.

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